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No New Posts The Blind Shooters

Deadly Nadders are noteable for their attack power, however that is strength is quite usually flawed due to their incapability of spotting anything directly in front of them. For that reason, Riders train their dragons arduously so that they not only respond and pinpoint enemies with their eyesight. Instead, they must rely on their sensitive hearing and accute sense of smell in order to make out the presence of an enemy and adequately shoot.

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No New Posts The Obstacle Course

Although Gronkles are famous for their bite and shot, the Tale villagers attempt to tackle its most notable weakness; the flight. Slow and often found sleeping during flight, the Gronkles are trained thoroughly to maintain wakefulness and fully take advantage of their maneuverability in order to dodge incoming strikes rather than simply turning tail and running. The obstacle course is thoroughly designed for that, with all sorts of bizzare contraptions that force a dragon to shift around and about in skillful flight than simply make use of speed.

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No New Posts The Mining Barrels

Unlike most dragons, the Hideous Zipplebacks have no battle capabilities as their ability requires too much time which you don't acquire in the battlefield. The abilities of this dragon, however, are used to produce mines and traps with which to set up the battle field. Here, Riders are taught to build special barrels lined with rubber or leather which would keep the Zippleback's gas from escaping. They are also instructed on how to tame their dragons to aid with digging and placing the gaseous mines shortly before battle. One must be very sly and sneaky on the business as being seen could cost you dearly. Luckily, Zipplebacks are also trained to coat their surroundings with nauseous gas if they are ever being hunted or chased by an enemy dragon.

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No New Posts The Shooting Line

Not very far from the village are a set of targets which are weekly cleaned and, when needed, exchanged. Riders bring their Terrible Terrors here for shooting practice. Despite not being able to ride their dragons, a Rider may tame and own multiple Terrible Terrors. These small dragons have deadly fire which can be closely compared to bullet shots. Here, the dragons aim to improve their accuracy, strength of each blast, and reach of their flames.

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No New Posts The Ash Pools

A certain section of the fields has been notably burned to nothingness, the ground left dry and covered in ash. This is where riders usually practice with their Horrible Nightmares. They ensure here that their equipment is well crafted enough that they may ride their dragons while these are covered in flames. While here, riders also learn how their dragon's lava like jets may be used to create lava stone casts for wounded dragons.

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No New Posts The Hill Tops

A series of pegs and ropes are stationed upon the hilltops. Here, any rider with a Thunder Drum dragon may come to practice with their sound blast attacks. Securing the dragon with the ropes, the greatest goal is to minimilize the recoil resulting from the blast attacks. Warnings are established along these hills so no unfortunate passerby's run into the range of the attacks.

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No New Posts The Stone Pillars

Timber Jack's are known as the fastest of dragons. Although they are very lacking in the firepower category, they have addapted to that by using their wings to slice down anything standing in their path. These pillars are used not only to strengthen the dragon's wings, but also to sharpen the blade along it. A rider can also learn how to properly ride the dragon in order to maximize it's speed for the impact and minimize the chances of falling off during the strike.

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No New Posts The Stone Wall

Bone Nappers are less then ideal flyers. In fact, most don't even have much skin between their wings with which to fly. However, they are great forces on foot, resistant to heat and with impressive defenses. In order to heighten their attacks, riders teach their Bone Nappers ramming and tackling techniques. The wall is a perfect practice target and, as it's been noted, the more a Bone Napper practices his ramming, the harder it's body becomes.

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The Fields
Surrounding the ruins of Tale are rolling fields. Little cattle roams this amazingly green land, most of it having been slain for the sake of the Wyrm. Dragon riders use this field as their training ground. Oddities can occasionally be found all throughout the field, having been placed there in order to improve the dragon training.
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